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VERVE is Australia's most trusted supplier of rowing machines offering best quality machines to help you achieve your calorie burn goals. Find the rower that fits your needs best on this page.


What is a rowing machine?

A rowing machine, also called ergometer, is a cardio equipment built for cardio workouts where watercraft rowing movements are simulated.

What are the benefits of a rowing machine?

Rowing is a full body hollistic workout. When training with proper technique, you will build strength in your major muscle groups including your legs, arms and core, plus you will increase your cardiovascular endurance.

If done regularly and at high intensity you may also see muscle gain.

What is better a rowing machine or a treadmill?

Training on a rower builds a lot more muscle than running on a treadmill, and this muscle growth will help you burn more calories during the day.

This will also lead to a bigger improvement of your generak fitness. However, you may see less weight loss as muscle weighs more than fat.

How long should I row for on a rowing machine?

If weight loss is your goal, you should aim for a very disciplined consistency. Row for a minimum of 30 minutes a day, between 4 and 6 times a week.

If you are a begginer, make sure you are getting enough rest days!

At VERVE, safety is our number one priority. For this reason, all of our gym equipment is put through rigorous quality assurance testing and has state-of-the-art safety features. You won't find a better quality rowing machines on the market!

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