World Meditation Day | Help us be better humans

World Meditation Day | Help us be better humans

3 minute read

World Meditation Day falls on the 20 May and was started to remind us humans that spiritual healing, and finding calm & focus in our minds help us be better humans.

Did someone say ommmm?

The practice of meditation is an art, and anyone can do it. It's about training in awareness and creating a sense of perspective of your surroundings. 

Most people think it's about switching off the mind and its thoughts. But rather it is about being aware of your surroundings, creating a sense of awareness and creating a healthy sense of perspective.  

It is something that can be taught and needs to be practised often to gain the greatest benefit of this craft. This is not an art form that can be mastered, but rather a skill that can be learnt, and some days you will find your mind wandering.

But the greatest thing to remember about meditation is that it is about the journey you take your mind & body on and not the final destination.

In this fast-paced world, we don't often switch off our minds and be present in the now. This ancient practice supports the healing of the mind, so we can be more mindful and improve our mental and physical health. 

There are various techniques of meditation that offer a diverse range to suit your preference.  

Mindfulness meditation is the meditation that focuses on your own mind & your surroundings, through deep breathing and focus.

Visualisation meditation is centred around envisioning and creating imagery in the mind. This is a more vivid way of meditating and can often include visioning goals and personal achievements.

Movement meditation includes just that- movement. This can be done through Tai Chi, yoga, martial arts etc.

And finally, you have Mantra Meditation, where a word or phrase is chanted and repeated during the full meditation, forcing one to focus through the constant repetition of the mantra.

What are the benefits of meditation?

Improvement of attention span.

The ability to work on your endurance and strength to improve mindfulness results in increased attention span and improved memory. 

Reduction in stress, resulting in improved sleep quality, allowing you to perform better in your day-to-day life.

Increase and improve self-awareness

By becoming more aware and gaining a better understanding of yourself, you naturally become more constructive and ultimately a better version of you.

Learn a new skill

Train your mind to learn a new skill and be still. A calm and focused mind can be taught through meditation and is an ongoing skill to learn.

Controls anxiety and reduces negative emotions, improving emotional health and a general increase in a positive outlook on life.

Meditation is like exercising muscles you never realised you had. And with the benefits of meditation, we suggest also putting your body to the test & working out some of your other muscles you never knew you had.

At VERVE, we offer a wide & extensive range of equipment to suit every level of athlete, from beginner to pro. 

Shop our range of equipment so you can get the best of both worlds this World Meditation Day.

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