2024 At Home CrossFit Guide: Get Your Free Program

2024 At Home CrossFit Guide: Get Your Free Program

4 minute read

Whether you have a full home studio or a basic garage setup, CrossFit and Functional Fitness are excellent for maximising your space. 

A high-intensity training program combining various sports and exercises, CrossFit style exercises is great for boosting strength, endurance, and functionality. It's also super scalable, making it suitable for beginners and advanced athletes alike, with workouts tailored to your fitness level. Start with minimal equipment and expand as you progress!

Sounds Good… What are CrossFit Exercises?

CrossFit includes a range of key exercises that are functional and useful for everyday life. Some of the main ones are:

  • Deadlifts: Strengthen your back, glutes, and hamstrings.
  • Squats: Build your quads, glutes, and core.
  • Presses: Develop shoulder and upper body strength.
  • Pull-Ups: Enhance upper body and grip strength.
  • Box Jumps: Improve explosive power and coordination.
  • Other exercises often involve kettlebells, cardio, and bodyweight movements.

These exercises form the core of many CrossFit routines, helping you build strength, stability, and overall fitness. The functional nature of these movements means they can improve your ability to perform daily tasks efficiently.

Creating a CrossFit Workout Program

When creating a CrossFit workout program, consider the following:

Structuring Your Workout Week: How often do you want to work out? What times fit your schedule best? A balanced approach should include at least 2 intense workouts per week, adding in up to three more of the below additional sessions focusing on different aspects like strength, cardio, and flexibility.

Training Sessions: Plan your exercises, sets, and reps. Keep workouts fresh by varying the exercises, increasing intensity, or adding new movements.

Variations for Different Fitness Levels: Start with basic movements if you’re a beginner and gradually increase difficulty by adding weight, more reps, or advanced variations.

The Workout Program

Monday: Full Body

Warm-Up (10 minutes): 
5 minutes of light cardio (jumping jacks, high knees, skipping or bike) 
Dynamic stretches (leg swings, arm circles, toe touches)
Workout (35 minutes):
Circuit – 5 Rounds of: 
  • Deadlifts x 12 
  • Overhead Press x 12
  • Bent-over Rows x 12
  • Push Press x 12
  • 40 Jumping Jacks
Cool Down (5 minutes):
Static stretches focusing on the full body

Equipment: Barbell, Dumbbells

Progression Tips: Add weight, more reps

Tuesday: Cardio/Core

Warm-Up (10 minutes):
5 minutes of jump rope or light jog
Dynamic stretches (leg swings, arm circles, toe touches)
Workout (35 minutes):
Superset 1: 5 Sets of:
  • Box Jumps x 10
  • Sit Ups x 10
Superset 2: Mountain Climbers (3 sets of 30 seconds) and Bicycle Crunches (3 sets of 20 reps per side)
Cool Down (5 minutes): Static stretches focusing on core and legs

Equipment: Plyo Box, Mat

Progression Tips: Replace box jumps with alternating step-ups to make it easier. Increase box height/ number of reps, or hold weight to make it harder.

Wednesday: Active Recovery

Active Recovery (15 Minutes):
Light stretching and yoga. Focus on deep breathing and relaxation. Hold each position for 3 x 30 seconds.
  • Standing Forward Bend
  • Low Lunge (each side)
  • Pigeon Pose (each side)
  • Seated Forward Bend
  • Bound Angle Pose
  • Reclining Spinal Twist (each side)
Equipment: Mat

Thursday: Lower Body

Warm-Up (10 minutes):
5 minutes of light cardio 
Dynamic stretches (leg swings, hip circles)
Workout (35 minutes):
Every Minute on the Minute (EMOM): Perform each exercise at the start of every minute. When you finish, you get the remainder of the minute as rest. 

Minute 1: Squats - 15 reps

Minute 2: Lunges - 10 reps per leg

Minute 3: Glute Bridges - 20 reps

Minute 4: Jump Squats - 15 reps

Minute 5: Bulgarian Split Squats - 10 reps per leg

Minute 6: Calf Raises - 20 reps

Minute 7: Step-Ups - 10 reps per leg

Minute 8: Deadlifts (bodyweight or with weights) - 15 reps

Minute 9: Side Lunges - 10 reps per side

Minute 10: Wall Sit - 45 seconds

Repeat for 3 sets.

Cool Down (5 minutes):
Static stretches focusing on lower body. Toe touches, butterfly hold, hip flexor lunge, and calf pumps.

Equipment: Barbell, Dumbbells

Progression Tips: Add weight, increase depth. Can start exercises earlier (maybe every 50 seconds?) to make even more challenging!

Friday: Upper Body
Warm-Up (10 minutes):
5 minutes of light cardio
Dynamic stretches (arm circles, shoulder stretches)
Workout (35 minutes):
Superset 1: 4 Sets of: Pull-Ups (To failure) and Push-Ups (To failure)
Superset 2: 3 Sets of: Dumbbell Rows (To failure) and Chair/Bench Dips (To failure)
Cool Down (5 minutes):
Static stretches focusing on upper body
Equipment: Pull-Up Bar, Dumbbells.
Progression Tips: Wear a weight vest, wider grip for pull-ups & elevate feet for push-ups. 

Now it's time to get at it! Adjust the number of sets and reps according to your fitness level, and remember to include warm-ups and cool-downs in your sessions.

Take Your At-Home CrossFit to the Next Level

As you progress, you can upgrade your equipment to match your growing fitness needs. Our Functional Fitness Collection has all the essentials to turn your garage into the perfect CrossFit studio.  Shop the Functional Training Collection now.

Home gym getting tired? Need some dream studio inspiration? Check out some of our gym fitouts for ideas on creating your perfect home gym.

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